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Older American Month
Older American Month

vie, 21 may


Older American Month

As May is Older American Month, TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Annual Older Americans’ Month Health and Fitness Event is scheduled for Friday May 21, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. This year’s event is packed with tremendous presenters, activities and vital information.

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Time & Location

21 may 2021, 10:00 – 16:00

About the event

Celebrate Older American Month!

As May is Older American Month, TERRIFIC, Inc.’s Annual Older Americans’ Month Health and Fitness Event is scheduled for Friday May 21, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.   This year’s event is packed with tremendous presenters, activities and vital information.  Please participate and bring friends, neighbors and associates to this exciting event.  As we continue to support isolated seniors through virtual programming, we hope that we can count on you to participate and enjoy this great event.   If you participate last year, you will recall that over 450 people participated.  Please let us know if there is additional information that you wish to have to ensure participation in the Friday, May 21st Older Americans Month Health and Fitness Event.   Looking forward to seeing all of you there.   Thank you for the mutual support in advance we can benefit through supporting the goals and objectives that we both strive to achieve for District Seniors. This year's theme is "Communities of Strength" Contact Susan Shepard for more information at or 202 882-1160.

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Meeting ID: 202 882 1160

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Meeting ID: 202 882 1160

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